
22nd PIRATA Conference to take place in Brazil, 5-10 November 2017

The 22nd PIRATA Conference (PIRATA-22), titled “PIRATA Project 20 Years Conference: Contributing to the Understanding and Prediction of the Tropical Atlantic Climates“, will take place in Fortaleza, CE. Brazil, on 5-10 November 2017. The PIRATA acronym, originally defined as “Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic” in 1997, has been changed in 2008 to “Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic“. PIRATA is a multinational observation network, established to improve our knowledge and understanding of ocean-atmosphere variability in the tropical Atlantic. It is a joint project of Brazil, France and the United States of America.

For information on conference sessions and abstracts, as well as the organizing committee and meeting logistics, please see the conference website.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 August 2017.

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