DBCP Task Team on Data Buoy Best Practices and Technology Development (TT-DBPD)

Terms of Reference
(as adopted at DBCP-XXXVIII)

The DBCP Task Team on Data Buoy Best Practices &  Technology Developments shall:

On data buoys best practices and quality management
1. When required by the DBCP, evaluate quality of data and metadata produced by specific types of buoys, as well as functioning and efficiency, in liaison with the Task Team on Data Management and (if appropriate) the TT-Wave Measurements and/or Moored Buoys.
2.Address instrument evaluation issues; suggest specific tests and / or evaluation deployments in different sea conditions to DBCP members in order to evaluate buoy quality as described in (1) above;
3. Share experience and results of evaluations with the DBCP and other interested parties;
4. Review and recommend Best Practices; work on specific technical issues in order to facilitate standardization and liaise with the other DBCP Task Teams and GOOS focal point for Ocean Best Practices as appropriate, and
5. Define specific criteria for evaluation purposes (ocean areas, definition of acceptable quality data, early failures, lifetimes, delays, accuracies, resolutions, etc.);
6. Comply with the requirements of the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) and quality management principles;
On technology developments
7. Investigate developments in the fields of sensor technology, on-board processing, buoy hardware, hull design, energy generation, and storage in order to better meet user requirements in terms of the range, reliability and quality of observed parameters and their cost-effectiveness;
8. Review and document operational and upcoming satellite telemetry systems in terms of their ability to address user requirements such as bandwidth, timeliness, availability, geographical coverage, reliability, service quality, technical support, energy consumption and cost; and make specific recommendations to the communications service providers on required / desired enhancements (in coordination with the INFCOM Coordinator of Satellite matters)
9. Review operational platform location systems, including the accuracy/resolution of locations provided by the platforms, and whether they meet the user requirements for buoys;
10. Propose to the DBCP and its Executive Board any evaluation activities and pilot projects that it deems beneficial to buoy operators;
11. Propose Best Practices recommendations to the DBCP Executive Board or the DBCP as appropriate; and
12. Evaluate, test, and promote buoy designs that are resistant to vandalism;
13. Review all relevant GOOS Publications (every two years) to make sure they are kept up to date, comply with Quality Management terminology, and adhere to the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF);
14. Provide the DBCP Executive Board and the DBCP, both upon request and unsolicited, with technical advice needed for addressing the issues above; and
15. Submit reports to the DBCP Executive Board and to the DBCP at its annual session that describe inter-sessional activities and propose a Workplan for the next inter-sessional period.

The membership is open to all Panel members. 

Member Role Country
Rick Lumpkin
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Chair United States of America
David Meldrum United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Robert Jensen United States of America
M Ravichandran India
David Murphy United States of America
Kenneth Connell
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research / Pacific Marine Environmental Labolatory
United States of America
Eugene Lunev
Marlin-Yug Ltd
Russian Federation
Candice Hall
NOAA National Data Buoy Center
United States of America
Candice Hall
US Army Engineer Research and Develoment Center, Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory
United States of America
Candice Hall
ERDC, CHL, US Army Corps of Engineers
United States of America
Jonathan Turton
Met Office
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sergey Motyzhev
Marlin-Yug Ltd
Russian Federation
Shaun R Dolk
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
United States of America
Emily MacPherson
MetOcean Data Systems Canada
Jeffrey Wingenroth
Data Buoy Instrumentation LLC
United States of America
Andy Sybrandy
Pacific Gyre Inc.
United States of America
Tim Richardson
Liquid Robotics
United States of America
R. Venkatesan
National Centre for Coastal Research
Long Jiang
TC France
Lancelot Braasch
University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
United States of America
Verena Hormann
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
United States of America
Karen Grissom
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
United States of America
Christopher Moore
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
United States of America
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