Established: March 2005
Type: Association
Membership: 15 Institutions in 3 countries: Argentina, Brazil & Uruguay.
Chair: Vice Admiral André Coronha Macedo
Secretary: Captain Frederico Antonio Saravia Noguerira
Contact: CDR Alvaro Santiago Scardilli, POC of OCEATLAN
Phone: +54 11 4317 2532
The Regional Alliance for the Upper Southwest and Tropical Atlantic (OCEATLAN) represents the regional efforts of institutions from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay to jointly develop and implement an operational oceanographic system to monitor and investigate the oceanic processes in the Upper Southwest and Tropical Atlantic.
The role of the Alliance is to coordinate and facilitate the development and implementation of ocean science programmes, as well as operational initiatives, among its members, as relevant to the balanced strategic and tactical scientific priorities of its sponsors, across the full spectrum of the broad programme areas: ocean observations and services, ocean sciences, hazards, and capacity development, but with special regards to the GOOS.
Steering Committee composed of the heads of the Hydrographic Offices of the three representative countries. They serve as President, First and Second Vice-presidents, and rotate serving as the President every two years.
Executive Committee consisting of three representatives, one from each member country. The Executive Committee will be assisted by a Scientific Advisory Group made up of representatives of participating institutions, programs and projects.
The OCEATLAN Alliance shall:
- establish links with relevant regional projects and initiatives on oceanography, and such agencies as appropriate;
- define the objectives and deliverables of GOOS in the region in close collaboration with the Hydrographic Services (DHN, SHN, SOHMA) and other appropriate agencies;
- provide a focal point for GOOS and other observing systems in the Tropical and Southwest Atlantic and assist in the development and implementation of GOOS programmes in the region, ensuring whenever possible complementarity with other programmes of IOC and WMO;
- promote an outreach programme for capacity development in the region, subject to available resources, for training in observations, data quality control and assimilation, technology developments etc.;
- strengthen links between GOOS and Related Programmes (PIRATA, ARGO etc.) in the Region to other resourced Regional Programmes in ocean observations and monitoring;
- coordinate with agencies, local governments and global programmes, among others, actions as needed in order to contribute to IOC High Level Objectives (HLOs) with special regards to climate change monitoring activities; and
- report on the Activity to the representatives of the signatory institutions of the Letter of Intent in conformity with the roles and obligation stated in the Action Plan.
Location of OCEATLAN