Document List

Recent Publications

Publications about GOOS from the GOOS community

Title File
1 GOOS-299
GOOS 13th Session of the Steering Committee (SC-13) Report

2 GOOS-288
Dialogues with Industry: Synthesis Report

This document provides a synthesis of the content and key findings across the four Dialogues with Industry held from September 2022 to January 2023. The objective of the Dialogues was to explore and d...

3 1st Report of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, TPOS 2020 Project

4 GOOS-215
1st Report of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, TPOS 2020 Project

5 Deep Ocean Observing Strategy - A Global Ocean Observing System Project Report

The objective of this report is to develop a statement of requirements, and an initial strategy for sustained global deep ocean observations; considering all Essential Ocean Variables, regions, and te...

6 GOOS-195
First Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee (GOOS SC-1)

An executive summary is available in four languages.

7 GOOS-196
Summary Report of the sixth Expert Workshop of IOC/WESTPAC SEAGOOS Pilot Project on Monsoon Onset and its Social & Ecosystem Impact (MOMSEI-VI)

8 GOOS-190
The International Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater - 2010: A scientific summary for policy makers

An approachable summary of the TEOS-10, with history, science and methods.

9 GOOS News

GOOS Newsletter, 1 April 2011

10 Why Monitor the Arctic Ocean: Services to society from a sustaned ocean observing system

The case for an Arctic Ocean Observing System is made with clear descriptions of the needs and advantages, using a colorful brochure format.

11 GOOS Gorick Poster Explained

A colorful explanation of the components of GOOS as portrayed in the Gorick poster of GOOS. Printed 2010 by UNESCO and available along with the poster for the asking. Contact

12 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) - A Summary for Policy Makers

What is oceanography and what is a sustained long-term ocean observing sytem? How the Global Ocean Observing Sytem has been developed. What is needed for the Global Ocean Observing System? The Glo...

13 Filling the Gaps in GOOS

14 Economics of Australia's sustained ocean observation system, benefits and rationale for public funding

15 Sustained Arctic Observations: A Legacy of the Polar Year

16 The Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)

17 Progress made by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology

18 Scientific and technical support for coastal hazard forecasting systems: JCOMM symposium on storm surges

19 Status and Progress of the International Polar Year

20 The Global Sea Level Observing System

21 The Group on Earth Observations - Ministerial Summit

22 Slow but steady progress in open-ocean observations as the issue of climate change climbs the political ladder

23 Sustaining an Arctic Ocean observing system as a legacy of the International Polar Year

24 Argo: Global ocean observing array reaches milestone and faces challenges

25 Overview of 2007 - Ocean observations and services

26 Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Agal Blooms: Theory, Instrumentation and Modelling

27 Implementing the Global Ocean Observing System

28 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Hydro International, April 2008, Pg 32-33.

29 Why GLOBEC Scientists and Fishermen both Benefit from the Global Ocean Observing System

30 Arctic Sea Ice a Record Low

Summer sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk to a record low. In a race against time, UNESCO and several of its sister agencies are working with countries to put in place an Arctic Observing System to ensu...

31 Ocean Observing Flotilla Hits 3000 Mark

Seven years after the launch of the first robotic Argo float, the Argo ocean observing array has reached its initial target of 3,000 operating floats worldwide.

32 The Green Ocean - Observations of Marine Biodiversity

A chapter from The Full Picture, published for the GEO Ministerial 2007

33 Why the World needs a Global Ocean Observing System

A Chapter of The Full Picture, published for the GEO Ministerial, 2007

34 TheBlue Planet - Observations of the Global Ocean

A Chapter of The Full Picture, published for the GEO Ministerial, 2007

35 Observing the polar oceans during the International Polar Year and beyond

WMO Bulletin 56 (4) October 2007 pp271-284

36 Observing the Polar Oceans during the International Polar Year and Beyond

37 Why the World needs a Global Ocean Observing System

But could GOOS be in danger of being a patchwork rather than global, all encompassing, observation system? Keith Alverson, Director of the GOOS Project Office, offers his perspectives.

38 Taking the Pulse of the Oceans

Editorial published in Science on 15 December 2006. It is generally acknowledged that, since land, water and atmosphere are interlocking components of a single Earth system, our global Earth observin...

39 Watching Over the World's Oceans

Developing a global multi-hazard warning system with an operational ocean-observing system.

40 The Global Ocean Observing System

IGBP: Global Change Newsletter No. 61 March 2005

41 GOOS-202
Sixteenth Session of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

42 Provisional Time Table TT SC Meeting

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