OCG-14: Low Cost Technologies & Data Workshop

2 Jun 2023, Cape Town, South Africa

As part of the Observations Coordinating Group (OCG) Meeting, the OCG and AtlantOS team is hosting a Low cost technology workshop that will focus on showcasing the technologies available and their application, and opportunities to ensure collected ocean data is FAIR.


Cape Town
South Africa

Organisers and Staff

Mr. Patrick Gorringe
Prof Juliet Hermes
Kevin O'Brien
Dr. Ann-Christine Zinkann
Mrs Lucie Cocquempot

Participant Stats:

Staff and organisers 5
Confirmed 0
Not Confirmed 0
Not-participating 0
Total 5
Groups: GOOS, IOC
Created at 09:40 on 10 March 2023 by Ms Yaeji Baek
Last Updated at 15:32 on 13 March 2023 by Ms Yaeji Baek
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