5th Meeting of Scientific Committee for the UN Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme

16 – 17 Jan 2025, Paris cedex 07, France

At its 31st session, the IOC Assembly established the “Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme” and its Scientific Committee (SC-ODTP) by Decision A-31/3.4.1. The SC developed the Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme which was presented and endorsed at the 32nd session of the IOC Assembly in June 2023. The SC has an advisory role to TOWS-WG for the duration of the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme.


7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07

Organisers and Staff

Mr Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Mr. Denis Chang Seng
Mr Öcal Necmioglu
Mr Angelos Haidar

Participant Stats:

Staff and organisers 4
Confirmed 0
Not Confirmed 12
Not-participating 0
Total 16
Groups: CTIC, GOOS, GOOS Biogeochemistry Panel (IOCCP), GOOS Biology Ecosystems Panel, GOOS Regional Alliances, HAB, Integrated Coastal Research, IOC, IOC Capacity Development, IOCAfrica, IOCARIBE, IOCINDIO, IODE, ITIC, MPR, OBIS, OceanTeacher, ODS, OIH - ODIS, OOPC Panel, OOS, OSS, Tsunami, WESTPAC
Created at 15:31 on 18 October 2024 by Mr. Denis Chang Seng
Last Updated at 15:42 on 18 October 2024 by Mr. Denis Chang Seng
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