GOOS SC-10-1

GOOS Steering Committee 10 part 1

26 – 29 Apr 2021,

Provisional Agenda

Timing, joining information, and background documents can be found in links from the provisional agenda.

Report Documents

Code Title
GOOS SC-10 part 1: Draft decisions for review

Event Documents

Code Title
Reports from GOOS component: GOOS Implementation Plan & Planning
Reports from GOOS components ETOOFS
Reports from GOOS components: The GOOS Observation Coordination Group (OCG)
Reports from GOOS projects: An International Program for Basin-Scale Observing of the Atlantic Ocean (AtlantOS)
The Global Ocean Observing System Governance consultations
WMO Opening Remarks GOOS Steering Committee
ICS: The co-sponsorship of GOOS
Ocean Decade Implementation
The Global Ocean Observing System Governance consultations
IOC role in ocean observations: statutory mother
Global Ocean Observation - core support on the environmental dimensions of SDGs
Reports from GOOS components: Value of Ocean Observations Value in Ocean Observing Enterprise
Reports from GOOS components: GOOS Implementation Plan & Next Steps GPPS SC-10 Session
Reports from GOOS projects: An International Program for Basin-Scale Observing of the Atlantic Ocean (AtlantOS) session version
Reports from GOOS projects: TPOS2020 (2014-2021) session
Reports from GOOS components: Common issue raised by the GOOS Core Team components
New Horizons Open Session Ice Services / Ice Community interacions
OCG Data Mapping
GOOS National Focal Points Update
Reports from GOOS components: Biology and Ecosystems Panel
Reports from GOOS projects: Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS)
Reports from GOOS components: GRA - GOOS Regional Alliances Council
Reports from GOOS components: Steering Committee Actions report
Reports from GOOS projects: TPOS2020 (2014-2021)
Reports from GOOS components: The Ocean Observations Physics and Climate panel (OOPC)
Reports from GOOS projects: Deep Ocean Observing System (DOOS)
Reports from GOOS components: A communication and coordination service for marine biogeochemistry

Background Documents

Code Title
GOOS Implementation Plan & Next Steps
Provisional Agenda
IOC Ocean Best Practices System Implementation Plan
IOC Ocean Best Practices System Strategic Plan
The 2021 AtlantOS Program Development Plan GOOS-SC Briefing
Group: GOOS
Created at 08:40 on 19 February 2021 by Forest Collins
Last Updated at 09:05 on 21 October 2021 by Dr. Albert Fischer
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