
Building on OceanObs’19 // October 2019

The OceanObs’19 conference wrapped up just over 10 days ago, with the input of nearly 2500 contributing authors for its Community White Papers, and nearly 1500 attending in person. For GOOS, it was an important opportunity to listen to community discussions, and identify priorities in implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System 2030 Strategy.

We heard some key themes emerging, including:

  • Planning for impact: codesign of the observing system, end-to-end, with stakeholders and users
  • Core system integration: Democratization of data, best practice, integration of biological and ecological observations, and a growing emphasis on the coast
  • Embracing innovation in technology and governance, and looking to the #OceanDecade as a vehicle for transformation

Read more on key themes we heard.

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