
Call for applications for OCG Leadership Development Position

Deadline for application: 30 September 2019.

     OCG Regional Leadership Development Position

Terms of Reference 

  • Provide a perspective from countries and/or regions (e.g. GOOS Regional Alliances) that are in the process of developing their ocean observing capacity to discussions within the JCOMM OCG community; and assist in filling knowledge gaps within the OCG community around observing system implementation, data uptake, end user products and communication from the perspective of countries developing their ocean observing capacity and/or SIDS.
  • Attend the bi-weekly OCG Exec calls, quarterly OCG Roundtable calls and the annual OCG face-to-face Meeting (usually 4 days, next meeting is anticipated May 2020, in Halifax, Canada).
  • Provide leadership (with support) for OCG projects and activities, relevant to the candidates skill set.
  • Promote OCG and program areas within the candidate’s region.


The position will work under the leadership of the OCG Chair and will gain mentorship and leadership skills through interaction with the Chair and Executive Team, assuming responsibility for tasks or actions as the need arises.

It is essential that the candidate has a permanent position (scientist or manager) in an institute with a focus on marine observing systems, that they have the full support of their home institute to allow for their time to engage in the work of the OCG in order to gain the most benefit from this experience.

The candidate will be expected to participate in the bi-weekly calls (either online or by phone), as well as the quarterly OCG Roundtable calls, and, with funding support for travel and accommodation, participate in the annual OCG meeting.

The position is a pilot post within the OCG Executive Team, with an initial term of 2 years. At the end of this period the candidate will be expected to provide a brief report, assessing their experience and offering advice for the future of this or other initiatives.

Key requirements

  • Candidate currently holds a position (likely scientist or manager) in an institute with a focus on marine observing systems.
  • Candidate is able to represent the perspective of countries and/or GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) that are in the process of developing their ocean observing capacity and/or Small Island Developing States.
  • Candidate is able to represent OCG within their region (desirable).
  • Candidate will gain from mentor/experience.

Commitment of the OCG Executive Team

  • One-on-one call with the OCG Chair and Vice-Chairs at beginning of tenure.
  • Assessment of position by incumbent and OCG Chair after one year.
  • OCG Executive to support/mentor the candidate as necessary.

Commitment of the Candidate

  • To gain an understanding of the work of the OCG.
  • To contribute knowledge and leadership to areas where they have expertise in the OCG Work Plan.
  • To provide input and perspective, where appropriate, across the OCG agenda.

Requirements for application

  • Support letter from institute.
  • CV, cover letter and 2 references.
  • Sent to by 30 September 2019.
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