The Ocean Observations Physics and Climate Panel (OOPC) is a scientific expert advisory group to the Global Ocean (GOOS) and Global Climate (GCOS) Observing Systems and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP).
This call seeks expression of interest from oceanographic experts interested in joining OOPC, preferably based in Central and South America. Applications from Early Career Researchers are welcome.
Deadline: 1 March 2024

OOPC is in charge of assessing the capabilities, gaps and deficiencies of current ocean physics/climate observing systems. OOPC also helps to improve the observing capabilities by encouraging the development of strategies for the ocean observing system evaluation and evolution. OOPC contributes to the regular reports to the UNFCCC about the status of global climate-observing capacities.
Panel members are tasked with:
- Maintaining and periodically reviewing the list of GOOS Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs).
- Specifying and reviewing requirements for sustained ocean observations.
- Reviewing the current state and identifying gaps and inadequacies of the global ocean observing system.
- Working on strategies for developing and improving the sustained ocean observing system, including harnessing new technologies.
- Helping in promoting the establishment of sustainable observation networks and the use of best practices.
OOPC works in conjunction with complementary panels in GCOS (for the Land and Atmosphere) and GOOS (for Biogeochemistry and Biology/Ecosystems), and hence the panel is an important information broker between the two programmes.
To manage priorities and connections the panel has a work plan that is periodically reviewed. Panel members, engaging with the broader community, champion key activities. Further details of the panel activities and current 13 members can be found here.
The panel interacts through the year by videoconference (one 2h meeting every 2-3 months), by email, and once every 18 months in person. Financial support for attending meetings will be provided. Members are initially appointed for a 3-year term, with the possibility of an extension for a further 3 years.
Geographical balance is very important and this call seeks expression of interest from experts
interested in joining OOPC, preferably based in Central and South America.
Selection will be based on:
- Expertise and interest in ocean climate observations: Internationally recognised in their field, sound experience in taking/working with ocean observations, with a broad systems perspective of the science of observations
- Knowledge of applications of sustained observations, including the delivery of products and information
- How the applicant complements the existing expertise of the panel members
- The need to strengthen panel diversity (expertise, institutional background and gender) as well as geographical balance as mentioned beforehand.
Further details of parent programmes:
- The Global Ocean Observing System:
- The Global Climate Observing System:
- The World Climate Research Programme:
If you are interested in becoming an OOPC panel member, please send your CV and a brief statement on your experience and expertise relevant to OOPC to before March 1st 2024.