
Call for new members of the GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Expert Panel

Deadline: 14 July 2024 (Close of Business UTC)

The Global Ocean Observing System is a program of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, working to coordinate an integrated and responsive ocean observing system. The Biology and Ecosystems Expert Panel (BioEco Panel) is one of three panels providing scientific advice and expertise to GOOS on sustained observations of ocean variables across physics, biogeochemistry and marine life. 

To support ocean observing coordination, GOOS has identified a series of physical, biogeochemical, biological and ecosystem measurements known as Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs). The EOVs have been identified by the ocean community as essential for establishing the state of the global ocean and how it is changing through time. They are designed to support the delivery of information and tools that support science-based decision-making. The Biology and Ecosystems expert panel coordinates  12 BioEco EOVs focused on monitoring key taxa and habitat groups and a cross-disciplinary EOV focused on ocean sound.

To fulfil the Panel’s responsibilities and commitments, two expert members take on voluntary leadership roles within the Panel in relation to each BioEco EOV. Their activities include: 

  • Engaging the broad scientific community to progress the development, uptake and implementation of BioEco EOVs within a global observing system. 
  • Promoting best practices and data sharing, and regularly reviewing and updating the EOV specifications. 
  • Connecting observing networks collecting observations to support the contribution of observations to GOOS systems.
  • Working with the Biology and Ecosystem Panel Executive to progress and contribute to the GOOS 2030 Strategy and goals of the Biology and Ecosystem roadmap.

We are seeking new members to join our Panel as EOV co-leads with expertise in the following fields:

  • Zooplankton ecology. 
  • Hard coral reefs with links to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network.
  • Continental shelf benthic invertebrate ecology.
  • Macroalgal ecology.
  • Sea turtle ecology.
  • Seagrass observations and assessments.
  • Marine Mammal ecology
  • Ocean Sound in relation to quantifying anthropogenic sound and pressures on marine fauna.
  • Marine microbial ecology 

Panel members will work with the BioEco Panel Executive to progress and contribute to the GOOS 2030 Strategy and goals of the Biology and Ecosystem roadmap. 

We seek individuals who are collaborative in nature, familiar with the community networks in their field of expertise, and driven to achieve an integrated global observing system through community engagement and coordination. A good overview of the global data standards and management landscape, experience in working with biological and ecosystem data streams, and familiarity with issues and challenges related to integrating and synthesising data from multiple sources internationally are desirable.

We encourage applications from individuals with strong leadership skills or early career scientists willing to develop these skills and can dedicate some time to the activities. Past experience in providing strategic guidance, e.g. through international working groups or steering committee participation, is desirable. Applications from countries within the Southern Hemisphere, Asia and developing nations are encouraged.

Members will be expected to voluntarily commit roughly 12 days per year, including meeting with the Panel four times a year (mostly virtually). Membership provides individuals with the opportunity to play a role in building a global ocean observing system, grow their scientific networks and can facilitate opportunities for international collaborations within and outside their field of expertise and discipline.

For all inquiries and/or to submit your application, please email
Applications will close CoB UTC on 14 July 2024. 

Applications must include the following: 

  • Full name 
  • Affiliation and current position 
  • Full contact information (incl. email and website)
  • Field you are interested in contributing to on the Panel 
  • Brief description (300 words max.) of your experience in ocean observing, what contribution you envision you can make concerning the BioEco Panel including activities related to the field you are applying for that could progress the relevant EOV(s) 
  • CV including membership in national and international networks, programs, expert working groups and relevant publications

Further information:
About GOOS
Essential Ocean Variables
BioEco Panel’s Terms of Reference
About the BioEco Panel

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