
GOOS Biology and Ecosystems (BioEco) Highlights Report 2017

In 2017 the GOOS BioEco Panel worked towards implementing a sustained, global system that observes multidisciplinary essential ocean variables needed to address the overarching questions: what is the current state of life in the ocean, how is it changing and why? Their goal is to build a global biological and ecosystem observation network that provides more timely, consistent and informed scientific advice on the status of, and threats to, critical marine resources, as identified by the global community. The Panel adopted a collaborative international approach, emphasizing to the scientific community the need for and advantages of strengthening data sharing and reporting, and enhancing capacity development and technology transfer. The Panel, working with the international policy community, identified the importance for the observing system to support improved management and reporting at all levels of government.

The Highlights Report “GOOS Biology and Ecosystems – The Evolution 2017 – From draft to craft, is available on-line.

GOOS Biology and Ecosystems: The evolution - 2017 - From draft to craft

Published: 22 December 2017
File: pdf / 1.19 MB

A graphical abstract of the report is also available on-line.

GOOS Biology Ecosystem Highlights 2017 Graphic

Published: 22 December 2017
File: pdf / 972.47 KB
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