Our outputs include monitoring tools and maps of where observations have been taken, documents that include best practices, reports and presentations. We also organize highly regarded, significant events and webinars.

Observations and data
A trusted and highly valuable collaborative system of sustained observations from our network of independently-managed and funded observing elements.

Ocean Best Practices
Backed by the IOC, provides publication, discovery and access to relevant and tested methods.

Advancing innovation and expanding the observing system, services and product delivery by expanding into new areas and capabilities.
Knowledge and resources
We have gathered together a comprehensive collection of resources contributed by ocean observing experts. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please ask us if we can help you find what you need.
Recent publications by the GOOS community. Including Briefs for Policy Makers, Standards and Best Practices.
Reports of sessions and meetings of the GOOS-SC, GOOS Panels, GOOS GRA Fora and other specialized groups as well as policy documents.
Dialogues with Industry
A forum for dialogue between industry, academia and government players to highlight opportunities towards achieving a mature Ocean Observing Enterprise.
A monthly opportunity to hear about activities and topics of interest to the GOOS community and to interact with the speaker.
Secretariat resources
Logos, letterheads, etc for use within the GOOS Secretariat or by special permission.
Join us
Join us and play your part in shaping and achieving our vision of a more powerful and effective global ocean observing system now.