GOOS’s unique status within the UN has enabled us to tap into the resources of UNESCO/IOC Member states and build a highly valuable collaborative system of sustained observations from our network of independently-managed and funded observing elements.
Learn more about the impact of these sustained ocean observations in our use cases that explore success stories from three different users.

Ocean observing supports German offshore wind energy development
As Germany continues to invest heavily in offshore wind farms and platforms in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the North Sea and the Baltic, ocean observing is playing a vital role in optimising operation and productivity now and for the future.

Acoustic glider networks reduce North Atlantic right whale strikes
Acoustic glider networks in Canada and the US monitor endangered right whales and alert shipping about their presence, sharing information as the whales migrate from one country’s coastal waters to another.

Impressive accuracy in multi-year Met Office hurricane predictions
The UK Met Office began working with British-American insurance broking company WTW to develop more accurate one to five-year hurricane forecasts and shape insurance products for coastal properties along the Atlantic coast of the US.