Date and Time: 18 March 2025, 13:30-15:00 UTC
Presenters: Joel Cabrie, Darin Figurskey, Martin Kramp, Steffen Steinmoeller & Sebastien Pere
Moderator: Champika Gallage
This webinar will discuss the importance of maintaining high quality data from our marine observing platforms. This will include both ship-based platforms and buoys. Given that these platforms spend most, or all, of their time at sea, it is not always possible to check the physical condition of the equipment and undertake in-situ performance checks. For this reason, there are a number of tools available to buoy and VOS ship operators to help monitor the performance of their observing platforms remotely.
An overview of the available tools will be provided, as well as a practical demonstration of each tool given by experienced operators. Tools to be discussed will include the Meteo France QC Tools, OceanOPS QC Relay and the WIGOS Data Quality Management System (WDQMS).
This webinar is targeted at Port Meteorological Officers and Drifting Buoy operators. Demonstrations will include real life examples and adequate time for questions and discussion will be provided.