Programme co-chairs

Molly Powers

Pacific Community (SPC)

Alvaro Scardilli

Naval Hydrographic Service of Argentina

Endorsed projects


AtlantOS-Connect aims to provide visibility to the common challenges, needs and opportunities of Atlantic communities by facilitating engagement with national and regional entities and connecting them with observing networks. This will support AtlantOS observing system activities through collaborative partnerships, to enhance the value of ocean observations and move towards a sustained observing system that delivers essential information to support human life, economic and environmental wellbeing.Visit website

Lead contact details:

Christine R. Sams | National Oceanography Centre – UK
Ann-Christine Zinkann | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – USA

Fisherman Weather Field School (Sekolah Lapang Cuaca Nelayan)

Fisherman Weather Field School is a project that provides education for fishing communities to support understanding of the information provided by weather and ocean climate services. Targeted users include traditional fishermen, aquaculture fishermen, salt pond farmers, and related stakeholders in fisheries and coastal communities. The project improves safety and also increases fishers’ understanding and awareness of the importance of maritime observation equipment which are essential to produce accurate maritime weather and climate information and to reduce vandalism of instrumentation. This project has proven to be successful in Indonesia and a pilot is proposed to replicate the initiative in other countries.Visit website


Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati | The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of The Republic of Indonesia (BMKG)

Nelly Florida Riama | The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of The Republic of Indonesia (BMKG)

Enhancing the ocean observing system within The Republic of Mauritius

An observation system for the ocean is recognised by the Mauritius Meteorological Services (MMS) as a priority to improve weather and climate services and warnings for hydro-meteorological hazards and tsunamis. MMS is proposing to enhance its existing ocean observing system by increasing the number of tide gauges and wave riders and improving staff capabilities through capacity building in the field of ocean observation and research. The development of ocean services for fishermen especially for effective communication in the event of natural hazards will be an important outcome and in collaboration with local partners, new tools and software for ocean observation and research will be developed.

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Lead contact details:
Dr Renganaden Virasami | Mauritius Meteorological Services

Enhancement of hydrographic and oceanographic observations in support of marine scientific research in the Kingdom of Morocco

Laying the ground for efficient climate adaptation and mitigation strategies at national level, this project will contribute to better understanding our marine ecosystem, particularly the most damaging impacts of climate change: ocean acidification, temperature increase, sea-level rise, deoxygenation and changes in marine biodiversity. Enhancement of Moroccan ocean observing capacity and integration into the global system will involve supporting the alignment of national programmes with global networks and best practices. The project also contributes to the regional programme of oceanographic, hydrographic and marine cartography in the African Region. Lead contact details:
Jamal Eddine Al Aloua


This project focuses on ocean observations from remote areas of understudied coastal ocean often coinciding with SIDS or low-income coastal communities, where capacity building needs to be carefully co-designed to take into consideration traditional knowledge and cultural norms. The project activities will create better ocean stewardship, enable and empower sailing professionals and citizen scientists across the world with a toolbox of innovative and cost-effective, low power observation tools that exploit recent transformative technologies for sensors and image acquisition and processing. 

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Prof. Murat Ardelan | Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Prof. Martin Hassellöv | University of Gothenburg


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