Member | Role | Country | |
David Legler
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research |
Co-chair | United States of America | |
Bernadette Sloyan
CSIRO, Ocean and Atmosphere |
Co-chair | Australia | |
Cristina Aracely Miño Arias
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
Programme Support and Exemplar Support | Belgium | |
Jun She
Danish Meteorological Institute |
Expert - Operational Forecasting | Denmark | |
Andrea McCurdy
Consortium for Ocean Leadership |
Programme Support and Sattelite Linkages | United States of America | |
Emma Heslop
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO |
GOOS Representative | France | |
Ann-Christine Zinkann
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ocean and Atmospheric Research |
Programme Support and Co-lead of BC Exemplar | United States of America |
Endorsed projects
GO-SHIP Evolve focuses on emerging opportunities for the fourth decadal GO-SHIP survey in new science areas, accelerating use of knowledge and multi-national capacity enabling contributions from more countries.
IOCOS: Integrated Ocean Carbon Observing System will build a global programme to deliver information about the ocean carbon sink, which will regulate the future costs of climate change mitigation. This project co-leads the Exemplar ‘Ocean Carbon Cycle’.
Odyssey aims to enhance the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) by cooperating with new ocean-going vessel types, for example, from ocean races, NGOs, citizens and private sector initiatives to harness opportunities for third party data collection.
Study of recent behaviour of Cyclones and Marine Heatwaves will enrich the knowledge and understanding of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, their associated features and their emerging impact on coastal areas and communities of Bangladesh.
Integrated Ocean Observing Across the Northwest Atlantic aims to establish an interconnected system to track environmental change in the Northwest Atlantic, from the Arctic to the Gulf of Maine.
COCAS: Coastal Observatory for Climate, CO2 and Acidification for the global south society will build on a science-based decision support system, for sustainable development of the marine Exclusive Economic Zones of the Global South countries.
Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Network for the Sustainable Development of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean will develop a network of ocean observation systems and regional forecasting models of ocean circulation, to provide baseline information on the oceanographic, biogeochemical and ecological state, changes and trends of the large ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) Subsea Cables The Joint Task Force for Science Monitoring and Reliable Telecommunications (JTF SMART) subsea cables is facilitating the integration of environmental sensors into trans-ocean commercial submarine telecommunications cables toward a planetary scale array that monitors ocean climate and sea level rise.
Animal-Borne Ocean Sensors: A decadal vision through new eyes is an emerging network of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), will provide freely available oceanographic measurements across the hard-to-reach world’s polar and tropical oceans collected through bio-logging, the deployment of sensors on marine animals.
OneArgo will transform the revolutionary ‘core’ Argo array (which tracks the upper ocean physical state) to one that has truly global reach, including the polar oceans and marginal seas, extending to the full ocean depth and including ocean biogeochemical measurements.
EarthScope-Oceans: 300 MERMAIDS is the project of a multidisciplinary group of geoscientists coordinating efforts to create a global network of seismic sensors that monitor the Earth from within the oceanic environment
Environmental Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)