The Ocean Observing Co-Design Programme hosted the first online Ocean Decade Co-Design Workshop on June 7, 8 and 9 2022. This workshop kick-started the development of Exemplar projects that will pilot and refine transformative co-design processes and best practices.
The workshop plenary provided insights into lessons learnt from co-design across GOOS and other sectors. During breakout working sessions, teams started shaping the outline of co-design ‘exemplar’ projects. The use areas that the first six exemplar projects will focus on are noted below in the context of their societal benefits:

Workshop recordings
DAY 1 recording | Lessons Learnt
Folder with Day 1 presentations
DAY 3 recording | Economic case studies & Exemplar report-outs
Folder with Day 3 presentations
What is an Exemplar?
Related links:
We have developed a Co-Design Exemplar Explainer document to describe what an exemplar is in the context of the Ocean Observing Co-Design Programme. This is an evolving document that will remain a work in progress. The concepts presented will be progressed through the Co-Design Workshop and will develop towards a consistent process and Best Practice in Ocean Observing Co Design.
Get involved
You can note your interest to interact with the Programme or Exemplar Projects using this form.
For queries contact Ann-Christine Zinkann