The Panel is made up of biology and ecosystem experts from around the world who provide guidance to the GOOS community. It aims to provide a better understanding of marine life to meet universal goals in sustainable development and conservation.
Activities include facilitating the global and regional integration of existing biological observing networks to increase value and reach, and improving the communication of results.
“It’s been exciting to watch the Panel grow over the last five years, supporting specialist scientific communities developing the new biological EOVs closely linked to science deliverables, international reporting, environmental accounts and restoration investment decisions.”
Dr Nic Bax, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia, co-chair Biology & Ecosystems Panel
The work of the Biology and Ecosystems Panel helps create a fit-for-purpose global biological and ecosystem observation network that delivers more timely, consistent and informed scientific advice for policy and local decisions.
It also encourages best practices and the development of technology to improve sampling strategies.
The collaborative, international approach also strengthens data sharing and interoperability, enhances capacity building, facilitates technology transfer, and increases management options at all levels of government.
Where next?
Expert panels
The Physics and Climate, Biochemistry and Biology Panels are central to our work and liaise with and advocate for users.