GOOS National Focal Points (NFPs) are the focal points for communication between GOOS and the national organisations and individuals involved in the sustained national ocean observing system infrastructure.

The role of GOOS NFPs:
- Promote and support the work of GOOS at the national level and foster connections between elements involved in ocean observing, government stakeholders and the beneficiaries of ocean information, towards achieving GOOS strategic goals;
- Ensure that national needs and gaps related to sustained ocean observing systems are brought to the attention of GOOS;
- Are key contact points for implementing the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) at national and global levels;
- Report to IOC on national implementation
NFPs are essential in promoting the work of GOOS and ensuring that sustained ocean observing system needs and gaps are addressed.
The GOOS NFPs are nominated via one of three channels: IOC National Focal Point, Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO. Scans of all nomination forms for NFPs received to date can be made available upon request.
Latest updates
In recognition of the importance of the NFP’s role in the development of a fit-for-purpose, integrated global ocean observing system, the GOOS Steering Committee (GOOS-SC) requested an update to the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the NFP. This is to help GOOS better serve Member States’ ocean observing activities and help Member States contribute to the implementation of sustained global ocean observing systems.
These draft ToR were reviewed and updated by the NFP Task Team, and sent to Member States for their comments. Subsequently, the updated draft ToR were presented to the GOOS-SC. The resulting approved GOOS NFP Terms of Reference reflect the importance of the National Focal Points’ role in the implementation of the GOOS 2030 Strategy.