Established: 1994 (as an association)
Type: Non-profit legal organization (from 2013)
Membership: 48 Members from 19 European countries. Chair: Dr. Holger Brix; Vice-Chair: Dr. Ghada El Serafy
Contact: Dr. Inga Lips, Secretary General
EuroGOOS is an international non-profit organization committed to advancing the pan-European operational oceanography within the context of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS) and advocating for sustained operations to deliver reliable and timely services to society.
The activities of the Organization are managed by the Executive Directors Board. The Board is composed of a Chair, Vice-Chair and five members, appointed at the General Assembly Annual Meeting. The Secretary General together with the Office staff implements policies and decisions, handles external representation, and maintains contact with major European programs.
- Maintains and expands the European communities of practice to respond to user requirements and service delivery.
- Advocates for coordinated and integrated European ocean observing and operational oceanography.
- Strengthens and expands partnerships to ensure the oceanographic services are user-focused and the ocean information can support decision-making.
- Promotes sustainability across the value chain of operational oceanography and ocean observing.
- Mobilizes the public on the importance of the ocean and oceanographic services to achieve sustainability.
Location of EuroGOOS