Established: November 2002
Type: Association
Membership: 29 organizations and institutions from 17 countries
Dr. Brett Molony (Acting chair of IOGOOS), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Mr. M Nagaraja Kumar (Secretary of IOGOOS), Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad, India
IOGOOS is an association of marine operational and research agencies in the Indian Ocean Region established during the Indian Ocean Principals’ Meeting held on November 8-9, 2001 at New Delhi to co-operate in promoting GOOS in the Indian Ocean region.
IOGOOS IX meeting has agreed to have three IOGOOS Officers, including Chair of IOGOOS representing the Eastern Indian Ocean, Central Indian Ocean and Western Indian Ocean. Two additional officers / associate officers will be nominated from the IOGOOS Projects such as IOP and SIBER.
- Contribute, collectively, to the progress of ocean observations, ocean science and operational oceanography, focusing on these imperative needs of the Indian Ocean region.
- Enhance the Ocean Observing System in the region.
- Promote and facilitate efficient and effective management, exchange and utilization of oceanographic data.
- Promote programs and projects in operational oceanography and ocean services in the region meeting the requirements of end-users.
- Strengthen capacity building for enhancing the capabilities in the region.
- Encourage research to support the needs of users.
- Develop synergies with other ocean programs and regional GOOS bodies.
- Contribute to international planning and promotion of GOOS.
Location of IOGOOS