Established: September 2012
Type: Association
Membership: 48 Partners from 14 countries. Chair: Vanessa Cardin; Co-chair: Alejandro Orfila; Secretariat: Enrique Alvarez & Giovanni Coppini
Contact: Vanessa Cardin. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste
Phone: +39-040-2140369
The Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) was established in 2012 to further develop operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea. MONGOOS comprises the previous activities of MOON and MEDGOOS.
The governing bodies are the Assembly, the Executive Board, the Chairpersons (CMCC and Puertos del Estado) and the Bureau (Mercator, INGV, University of Malta and HCMR) and Secretariat. Two Chairpersons coordinate Board meetings; coordinate the actions and decisions of the Board; manage communication between Members, Board and Assembly; and serve as spokesperson at International meetings.
- Improved Fitness for Purpose. Continuously advance the scientific understanding and technological development upon which the Services are based.
- Greater Awareness. Promote the visibility and recognition of the Services with governmental agencies and private companies, encourage their integration at national, regional, European and global levels.
- Increased Downstreaming. Enhance the usability of the Services and their usefulness for policy implementation, societal needs and science.
- Improved Capacity. Support the planning and implementation of international initiatives involving operational oceanography and promote the participation of non-EU Mediterranean countries in producing the Services.
Location of MONGOOS