
Established: September 2002

Type: Network of regional organization

Membership: 21 Member States of WESTPAC

Governing panel: Steering Committee

Contact: Dr. Xunqiang Yin. Secretariat SeaGOOS. First Institute of Oceanographie, China

The Southeast Asian Global Ocean Observing System (SEAGOOS) is a program developed and coordinated by the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), aiming to encourage co-operation among Member Countries interested in ocean observation and monitoring, modeling and exchange and application of data in the wider South East Asian region and its neighbouring region.


The Steering Committee has not yet been established. Coordination and implementation by IOC WESTPAC and SEAGOOS Coordinator. Management meetings were held at the Intergovernmental Session of WESTPAC in 2010 and 2012.


  • To establish and/or enhance the capacity of institutions and countries in the wider Southeast Asian region, including those in the eastern Indian Ocean in operational oceanography, marine meteorology and relevant ocean and climate research.
  • To establish a regional network of ocean observations and encourage data and information sharing among them in the wider Southeast Asian Region and its adjacent regions.
  • To develop joint operational ocean and climate observation and research in the wider Southeast Asian Region and its adjacent regions.

Location of SEAGOOS


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