Success stories from GRF-9

Success Stories of GRAs: NEAR-GOOS & IMOS (New Database & Sampling) 

At the ninth session of the GOOS Regional Alliance Forum (GRF-IX) held in Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 August 2019, IMOS & NEAR-GOOS reported on successes on improving the sampling of data and the development of new databases.

IMOS, for instance is improving its capacity on event- based sampling by focusing on marine heatwaves. Ocean gliders are being used as the sampling platform for monitoring marine heat waves in the Australian coastal water with up to four deployments annually, and a first gliders mission has been completed in Tasman Sea this autumn. Using ocean gliders to monitor marine heatwaves  provides data on frequency and potential severity of marine heatwaves, which can result in significant ecological implications for species mortality, modification of species geographic range preferences and impacts on critical life history stages. More information is available here.        


Ocean gliders are autonomous underwater vehicles that propel themselves with changes in buoyancy, ascending and descending through the water column. The gliders are relatively cheap, reusable and can be remotely controlled, making them a relatively cost-effective method for collecting repeat subsurface ocean observations. 

NEAR-GOOS has developed a Regional Real-Time and Delayed Mode Data Base (RT/RDMDB). The difference between these two types of Data Base is held in the time difference the data are analyzed. The Regional Delayed Mode Data Base receives data from the Regional Real Time Data Base (RRTDB) 30 days after they are collected. Six organizations in China, Korea and Russia are employing the National Databases of NEAR-GOOS. The development of these two types of data base are important because they feed into modeling and forecasting systems, thus  providing operational information to users contributing to:  prevention of natural disasters; increase of fishing efficiency; monitoring of marine pollution; and development of recreation activities and mariculture (for example on toxic algal blooms). More information is available here.


The improvement of database & data sampling by GRAs contributes to achieving GOOS 2030 strategic objective 7: Ensure GOOS Ocean observing data & information are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, with appropriate quality and latency, in order to improve system integration & delivery.

Success stories of GRAs: Black Sea GOOS & IOCARIBE (Ocean Monitoring)

At the ninth session of the GOOS Regional Alliance Forum  (GRF-IX), Black SEA GOOS & IOCARIBE reported on successes on improving ocean monitoring.

Black Sea GOOS is currently involved in ocean monitoring through the deployment of surface buoys and bottom stations in Burgas and Varna bays, as well as through the deployment of 37 floats in the Black Sea since 2002. The data produced are used to verify and monitor the skill and accuracy of the forecasting system and the ocean physical reanalysis system for the operational oceanography.


IOCARIBE is also active in monitoring sea level in the Caribbean region via the CARIBE Sea Level Network, as part of the Tsunami Early Warning System. The sea level network consist of 80 active real time Sea Level stations.   

Monitoring is an important component of the GOOS. It contributes to deliver an integrated fit-for-purpose observing system built on the systems approach outlined in the Framework for Ocean Observing.

Success stories of GRAs: EuroGOOS & U.S. GOOS (Communication & partnerships)

EuroGOOS & U.S. GOOS reported on successes on improving communication and partnership.

U.S. GOOS, for instance has released the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, with the vision to improve lives and livelihoods with ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes information. The mission of this publication is to produce, integrate, and communicate high quality ocean, coastal and Great Lakes information that meets the safety, economic, and stewardship needs of users. The goals of this publication, in accordance with the GOOS Strategic objectives are:  to sustain long-term, high-quality observations of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes environments to address local, regional and national needs, and increase the reach and effectiveness of IOOS through partnerships, stakeholder engagement, and Enterprise excellence.     

Another example can be drawn from the EuroGOOS. The EuroGOOS Alliance is actually working on an ocean literacy-sharing platform for its members, and broader European and global oceanographic community. The goals of this platform are to join efforts in collaborative projects and initiatives, help foster international partnerships, and contribute to the European role in ocean literacy, in coherence with the Ocean Decade. The mission is to engage with policy and society on the topics of ocean sustainability, ocean observations, and the use of oceanographic products and services.

These two examples are aligned with the GOOS strategic objectives 1, 2 & 4.  They contribute to deepen engagement and partnerships, from observations to end users, to advance the use and impact of the observations and demonstrate their benefits.

Success stories of GRAs:  SeaGOOS & PI-GOOS (Capacity Development)

SeaGOOS (WESTPAC) & PI-GOOS reported on successes on capacity development.

For instance, SeaGOOS conducted a series of topic-specific trainings, workshops, youth forums and school presentations with their Member States. For example, the SEAGOOS-Ocean Forecasting System workshop, which was held in Beihai, Guangxi, China on November 18, 2018, reviewed the progress on Ocean Forecasting System for last three years and it drew up an action plan for the period of 2019-2020.

Regular topic-specific training opportunities have been developed and organized in order to enhance the capacity of WESTPAC Member States by focusing on user needs at the regional and national level. For example, the 9th WESTPAC Training Course / Regional Training and Research Centre on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (RTRC-ODC) was conducted between 17-28 June 2019 in Qingdao, China. The training sought to foster North-South and South-South collaboration, and to link trainings to the attainment of research goals addressing critical challenges to sustainable development in the region. More information is available here.

PI-GOOS, is also working on capacity development. One of its supported programmes is SEREAD (Scientific Educational Resources and Experience Associated with the Deployment of Argo profiling floats in the South Pacific Ocean). SEREAD teaches basic scientific ocean/climate fundamentals to teachers using a hands-on approach that employs existing examples that build upon student’s everyday observations and experiences. Through training teachers, the programme aims to encourage and inspire students to study and understand the physical world around them. Learning topics includes introduction to oceanography, weather and climate change concepts. SEREAD teacher training workshops have already been conducted in the Cook Islands, Samoa and Tonga, with follow-up workshops held in Samoa and the Cooks as well as follow-up visits to teachers in the Cooks. Further information is available here.

The GOOS strategic objective 9 on capacity development is important to ensure a broader range of beneficial stakeholder participation in order to build for the future.

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