January 23, 2018
The Eighth Session of the GOOS Regional Alliance Forum (GRF-VIII) was held at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, 5-7 September 2017. Tim Moltmann (IMOS) chaired the Forum which was attended by representatives of ten of the thirteen GRAs. Also in attendance was the IOC Executive Secretary Mr. Vladimir Ryabinin, as well as officers from […]
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January 18, 2018
In 2017 the GOOS BioEco Panel worked towards implementing a sustained, global system that observes multidisciplinary essential ocean variables needed to address the overarching questions: what is the current state of life in the ocean, how is it changing and why? Their goal is to build a global biological and ecosystem observation network that provides […]
November 29, 2017
The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) invite nominations of qualified individuals to serve on the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS). This call is for Scientific Members, with terms starting at the annual SSC meeting (Hangzhou, China, 6-9 May 2018). Nominations from […]
November 16, 2017
DetailsPublished: 16 November 2017 The Biology and Ecosystems Panel of GOOS and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) are inviting abstract submissions to the 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity special Session 5 on: “Sustained observations of life as an integral component of coastal and ocean observing systems” (Montréal, Canada, 13-16 May 2018). Chairs of the session: Patricia […]
November 7, 2017
The BluePrint website for Ocean Observing in the Atlantic has just been launched: The BluePrint will lay out the principles and plans for sustained ocean observations in the North and South Atlantic. It will benefit from active engagement from all interested parties and partners.
October 11, 2017
Organizers of OceanObs’19 are seeking experts to join its Program Committee (PC), which will shape the agenda and outcomes of the conference set for 16-20 September 2019, at the Honolulu Convention Center, in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Nominations or self-nominations are welcome for OceanObs’19 Program Committee until 15 October 2017. Please fill out the linked form and submit a […]
October 6, 2017
The present state of sea-level science provides unambiguous evidence that sea level is rising and that the increase will continue to accelerate with unmitigated emissions. This requires that scientists closely collaborate with the stakeholder community to develop plans for responding to sea-level change affecting their coasts and to implement adequate adaptation measures. Without urgent and […]
August 10, 2017
The 22nd PIRATA Conference (PIRATA-22), titled “PIRATA Project 20 Years Conference: Contributing to the Understanding and Prediction of the Tropical Atlantic Climates“, will take place in Fortaleza, CE. Brazil, on 5-10 November 2017. The PIRATA acronym, originally defined as “Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic” in 1997, has been changed in 2008 to “Prediction and Research Moored Array in […]
June 27, 2017
The World Meteorological Organization is hiring an Associate Technical Coordinator for the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and OceanSITES, as a part of the JCOMM Observations Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS). You will join a dynamic technical coordination group supporting the operators of basin-scale in situ sustained ocean observing networks, monitoring status and data flow, and […]
June 23, 2017
The programme will be held at NUI Galway, Ireland, from 18 to 22 September 2017, and is open to postgraduate students of ocean, climate and environment related sciences. The Ocean and Climate Scholars Programme is a collaboration between NUI Galway and the Parnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO), and is supported by the Nippon […]
March 20, 2017
The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) is pleased to announce the POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowship programme for 2017 is open for applications. The deadline for applications is 7 April 2017. The scheme is designed to promote training and capacity building towards a global obsevation scheme for the oceans, and is aimed at scientists, technicians, […]
February 2, 2017
The Sir Alister Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) is pleased to annouce they will be running the 4th International Marine Phytoplankton Taxonomy Workshop on 3 July – 14 July 2017 in Plymouth, United Kingdom. An introductory workshop and aimed at those working in the marine phytoplankton field. Classification and taxonomy of the major marine microalgal groups will […]
January 31, 2017
There is only one week left for the deadline of abstract submission and requests for funding to the International WCRP/IOC Conference 2017 on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts. Visit before 28 February 2017 (new deadline) to submit an abstract and apply for travel grants. Registration will be open on 15 March 2017.
January 17, 2017
The First Report of the TPOS 2020 project was published on 30 December 2016. This report contains initial recommendations for the Backbone and a synopsis of initial results and plans for the various initiatives of TPOS 2020. The Executive Summary and the full First Report can be downloaded from the website or from the GOOS Report site. The Executive […]
December 15, 2016
Three major initiatives (GOOS, OBIS and GEOBON MBON) signed a collaboration agreement to join efforts towards a sustained, coordinated global ocean system of marine biological and ecosystem observations to support management decisions and address relevant science and societal needs Globally coordinated and sustained ocean observing system is urgently needed to systematically assess the state of […]
December 9, 2016
Deadline 6 January for self nominations. Internationally, sustained ocean observation is coordinated through the UNESCO-IOC Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) which is also a contribution to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet initiative. But also a number of related programs and projects working to develop and implement effective ocean observing capacities, improving their efficiency […]
November 10, 2016
The Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) is a scientific expert advisory group to the Global Ocean (GOOS) and Global Climate (GCOS) Observing Systems and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). OOPC is a charged with leading the delivery of ocean physics/climate observation requirements, aiding in the development of strategies for evaluation and evolution of the system, […]
August 22, 2016
The first of three TPOS 2020’s Project Level Reports is open for public review and comment through October 2016. While the focus and guidance of the Project Level Reports will be on the TPOS Backbone, they will also cover all activities of TPOS 2020, including key initiatives, outstanding science questions, and an indicative timeline for the remaining […]
August 10, 2016
This Conference will offer an essential opportunity in the region for marine scientists, ocean institutions and their countries to advance marine scientific knowledge, catalyze multi- and cross-disciplinary collaborations with a view to addressing challenges that countries in this region are facing, including these in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the dedicated Goal 14 for […]
July 27, 2016
The GCOS Programme has prepared a new implementation plan in consultation with the global climate scientific and observing community which will be submitted to the UNFCCC for its COP 22 meeting which starts on 7 November 2016, in Marrakech, Morocco. GCOS published its first Implementation Plan in 2004 and updated it in 2010. This 2016 plan is […]
June 7, 2016
DetailsPublished: 07 June 2016 Earlybird Registration is now open through 15 June for the CLIVAR Open Science Conference. The CLIVAR Open Science Conference will take place 18 – 25 September, 2016 in Qingdao, China. The objectives of the CLIVAR Open Science Conference are to: Read more about it on
May 20, 2016
G7 Science and Technology Ministers, meeting in 15-17 May 2016 in advance of the G7 summit to be hosted by Japan later this month, issued the Tsukuba Communiqué, recognizing a need for enhanced action for science-based management, conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources. It called for enhanced global ocean observation […]
September 14, 2015
Integration was a word that came up often during the development of the Framework for Ocean Observing that now guides GOOS. We realize it has many dimensions in an observing system: across disciplines; parts of the system including oversight, implementation and innovation; from coasts to open ocean; and across different in situ and satellite observing networks. […]
The 28th Session of the IOC Assembly (July 2015) reviewed and approved the Work Plan of GOOS, which included development of GOOS Strategic Mapping and identification of Framework for Ocean Observing elements. The Assembly also approved scientific oversight, coordination, and innovation activities and projects; improved GOOS Regional Alliance implementation; and increased communication activity focused advocacy […]